Welcome to the Torrington, CT Town Clerk's Vital Statistics online ordering system. Requests will be processed Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Thursdays 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM, and Fridays 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM.  The Torrington Town Clerk's Office processes orders within 2 business days, excluding weekends and holidays, once all information is available.


In Torrington, the Town Clerk and Assistant Town Clerks are also the Registrar and Assistant Registrars of Vital Statistics.  The principal statutory provisions relating to these duties are found in Sections 7-36 through 7-76 and 19a-42 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

Only a Registrar of Vital Statistics or the Commissioner of Public Health may issue certified copies of birth, marriage, death or fetal death certificates. 

Notarized copies of vital records have no legal status (CGS 7-62a).




Birth Certificates 

  • A copy of your birth certificate is on file in the town which you were born, and in the town in which your mother lived at the time at your birth.  For all Births occurring after 2003, you may access from any Town within the State of Connecticut.


Death Certificates 

  • Certified copies of death certificates can be obtained for individuals that passed away in or were residents of Torrington, Connecticut from 1869 until present.   For anyone who died on or after July 1, 1997, certified copies that show the social security number of the deceased will be issued to the immediate family members only! Certified copies of death certificates without social security numbers will be issued to anyone else.


Marriage Certificates 

  • Certified copies of your marriage license can be obtained from the Town Clerk’s Office where the marriage occurred or your town of residence at the time of marriage.


Delivery Options:

        • USPS: United States Postal Service (not trackable)
        • UPS Next Day Air® (covers all 50 states and Puerto Rico) (variable pricing, includes tracking number)
        • UPS 2nd Day Air® (covers all 50 states and Puerto Rico) (variable pricing, includes tracking number)
        • International - UPS Worldwide Express® (Covers more than 130 countries and territories) (variable pricing, includes tracking number)

To begin the order process, click on the links on the left


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The Following Vital Records May Be Requested Online:
Certified Birth Certificate $20.00 ea
Certified Death Certificate $20.00 ea
Certified Marriage Certificate $20.00 ea



* An additional Non-Refundable $5 Service and Credit Card Processing Fee will be applied to all online orders

* An additional Non-Refundable $0.35 "Vital Verify" fee will be applied to all Delivery orders 

Delivery Options

Standard Shipping - Regular USPS

Please allow up to 7 business days for your document to be delivered to you


UPS Next Day Air® (covers all 50 states and Puerto Rico) (includes tracking number)

variable pricing

UPS 2nd Day Air® (covers all 50 states and Puerto Rico) (includes tracking number)

variable pricing

International - UPS Worldwide Express® (Covers more than 130 countries and territories) ( includes tracking number)

variable pricing


Pickup Options

Standard Pickup




For More Information, Contact:

Torrington, CT Town Clerk
140 Main Street
Torrington, CT 06790

Phone: 860-489-2236
Fax: 860-489-2548


For Technical Support, Contact:

Permitium Software
Email: help@permitium.com